Positive Benefits of Tae Kwon Do

My daughter started taking Tae Kwon Do last month.  To my surprise, she really enjoys the classes and wants to continue taking classes.  In a very short period of time, I’ve noticed some benefits:

  • She gets a good workout during each session.
  • She is much more coordinated versus when she first started taking the classes.
  • The classes are goal driven so that she is motivated to pay attention in class, practice her forms, and stay fit.
  • Ray is strict but not scary.  He keeps the class fun.

Once It Clicks

We are happy to be partnering with Once It Clicks located just 2 doors from our store.  With this partnership, students will be able to take a reading class and then take a Tae Kwon Do class.  Students who enroll in more than one program are eligible for discounts for both programs.  Please call 847-998-1111 or email at akyima360@gmail.com for more information.

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taekwondo northfield